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The Mansdorf Family Foundation is proud to announce its ability to seek, apply for, and receive donations, grants, loans, and other funding from: Phone solicitations; personal solicitation; postal mail solicitation; foundation grant solicitations; Government grant solicitations; email and other internet solicitations; vehicle, boat, plane, or similar donations; donations through third party websites; from International sources; through the Mansdorf Family Foundation website, from individuals, organizations, corporations, government agencies, and others for the express purposes of supporting and conducting, in any manner, any lawful activities in furtherance of our charitable, scientific, educational and societal enhancing purposes.

Support Us: Donate online and help us continue to expose and punish those responsible for decades of atrocities committed against American Heros.


With your support we can continue to win the crucial court battles necessary to prove what has happened. If you are interested in donating but would like more information about our work, please feel free to call us.Your online donation is safe, secure and private.


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